Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tuesday, June 2, from Jason's Diary

...Said our goodbyes to the Hardymans. Walked to the train station and caught the train (it was very crowded so we had to stand) to York. Drizzling in York. We walked to the Priory Hotel (definately a step up from the Grey Friars in Canterbury). Rested till 4:00pm then walked to the York city center.

...Yorkminster was incredible: Huge, Defined by massive gothic arches; it is famous for its stained glass and one can see why...

At 5:15 we attended an Evensong service. The choir was excellent and the liturgy orthodox and prayers meaningful. However, my heart wasn't moved, challenged, wrestled with, lifted up in worship. I couldn't help reflecting that it is an easy, but dangerous, shift to drift into rich music, ceremonies, liturgy, tradition, history and lose the very life and dynamic of the gospel as it creates a worshipping community and worship flows out of the very life-blood of that community. This is a danger for every one of our churches, not only those that use liturgy.

We eat at Pizza Hut and celebrate, again, Judah's birthday...

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