Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Marketplace Ministry

I visited St. Helens, Bishopgate, in "The City" - the economic, legal, corporate center of London, to experience their dynamic marketplace ministry. I met with the rector, William Taylor, here is what I learned.

It was started by 25 businessmen who met to pray each week for God to establish a gospel platform in the Square Mile. They invited Dick Lucas to speak, brought their friends to hear the gospel, and then encouraged Dick to apply for the vacant post as St. Helens. The strenght of those early days was that these men saw themselves as co-workers in the gospel ministry.

From that time on, the core of the ministry has been faithful, relevant, expository preaching. Week by week, verse by verse.

God has blessed there efforts. Not only is the gospel publicly proclaimed in Bishopgate, bus similar meetings have begun in Canary Wharf, Fleet Street, Aldersgate, London Bridge, Covent Garden, and Westminster.

The ministry is built on "partnership" with Christians in the marketplace who attend, bring their friends to hear the preaching, and who pray for their web of relationships in the marketplace.

I wonder what God is doing, and what God would have us do, in the marketplace in Indianapolis?

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