Monday, June 21, 2010

We met the Man that did survived the Climb of Death...

As far as the climb of death - you'll get a good laugh out of this! As we were waiting for our train to London, a gentleman sat down next to me. I tried hard not to stare at his face and the jagged 3 inch scar that ran across his forehead and above his eye. His eye was all but swollen shut and he looked like something out of Frankenstein. He was using arm crutches to walk along and I must say his knee swung round in an unseemly manor. He was in obvious pain.

After we chatted a bit, I felt it was obvious I should ask what had happened to him -as he did say that he had stayed longer in St. Ives than he had intended...well, it turns out that he had slipped on some of the rocks which he speculates must have been wet due to the spray or tide coming in. Thus his saga of the "Climb of Death" began further up the path with his slipping on wet rocks, gashing his head and mangling his knee something dreadful. Some how he was able to drag himself up to the path and was found by a doctor who then called for help - he was air lifted to the hospital where he stayed for several days!

Turns out he is also an American and professor at a university in Ashford, NC. He is meeting up with a group of his students and they will study at Cambridge for 3 weeks.

Of course I called Jason and the boys over so they could see what could have happened to them! ha ha...I decided not to let my heart think about what could have happened but to dwell on the fact that we were all safe and sound and on our way to London. So, after meeting our new friend, Jason carried his bags and helped him transfer trains till we parted ways in London...

I would have liked to take a picture of our friend...but will have to settle for the memory instead.


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