Saturday, June 12, 2010

Friday, June 11th, From Jason's Diary

Judah was coughing this morning (5am). I put some oils on him and we both fell back to sleep...

Jacob and I walked around Stratford, both on our own. It is great having a kid you can send off on his own and know he'll be ok!

I walked to Trinity Church (where Shakespeare is buried). Visited the home where Shakespeare was born...

Returned in time to watch the opening of the world opening: Mexico vs. South Africa...

At 5:30pm went for dinner at an Italian restaurant. Quite a feast. Then walked to the Courtyard Theater, temporary home of the Royal Shakespeare Company while their 1000 seat theater is being built/renovated? We saw Thomas Mallory's Morte De Artur.

A highlight of the show: Artur was played by Sam Troughton who played "Much" (sp?) in the television series "Robin Hood" that Jenny was watching with the kids. The program began at 7:15. Halfway through the third and last part, the climax, "The Morte De Artur", the Director came out on stage and told the audience that one of the actors was sick (it turned out to be Troughton) and that the rest of the show, unfortunately, had to be canceled. It was about 10:50pm at that time.

We walked home and went to bed.

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