Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Monday, June 21st: From Jason's Diary

Our big day in London

...We took the train in to Waterloo Station. We crossed the Westminster bridge...

First we visited Westminster Abbey. What a legacy of worship and Christian faith. One is struck by the history as you wander through the Cathedral, noticing the memorials and graves of great Kings and Queens. I was deeply moved in Poet's Corner. Geoffrey Chaucer was the first poet recognized in Westminster. Today in Poet's Corner are the graves and memorials to some of the greatest writers and poets ever to grace the English language: Shakespeare, Tennyson, Spenser, Austin, Longfellow, etc.

After Westminster, we walked past Westminster Chapel where my hero, Dr. Martyn-Lloyd Jones preached. Unfortunately, we weren't able to get into the church to see the sanctuary where we lifted high the glory of God, the grace of Christ, the sinfulness of man, our need for a Savior.

From Westminster Chapel we walked to Buckingham Palace; then along St. James Park to the Churchill Museum and Cabinet War Rooms. This was my favorite museum experience. They have done a fabulous job in the Churchill Museum. I was moved to tears as I heard the stirring oratory of Churchill as he "marshalled the English language" and used it as a great weapon of war in the battle against Nazi Tyranny.

We walked to Covent Garden, watched a Street Performer perform; he was very funny. Then bought some cookies for "energy", had dinner at Subway, and eventually wandered back to Waterloo Station.

We finished up our evening watching a World Cup Match at 7:30pm.

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