Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We have been staying at Laura's parents house in Farnborough. It's about a 20 min walk from the train station and a 40 min train trip into London. Laura's parents have graciously allowed us to stay in their home while they were were in Italy.

We have been able to spread out for some much needed family space. The kids have enjoyed british tv and being able to grab a snack whenever they feel like it.

Laura's mom wrote us a welcome note and she begins with, "Welcome to our home, or as they say in Italy, 'La nostra casa, e la sua casa (Our home, is your home)." Of course I felt immediately at home for I often say in Spanish, "Mi casa es su casa" which also means "my house is your house".

Laura's mom closes the letter with a reference from Hebrews 13:2, "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it." It felt really nice to have someone think of our family as being angelic...which we are for most of the time...but I have had to chuckle as I think back over all the conflict we have had to navigate through over this past month in the UK when you get 6 people together in a small space and take away all their security and comforts! I think in this case we, the Dorsey family, are the ones who have been entertained by angels (Laura's parents)!!

Much thanks goes to Laura's family for the sabbatical rest we have received while in Farnborough.


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