Friday, June 25, 2010

The Longest Day Ever...

I thought about calling this post the longest day ever. But then I thought about calling it the longest plane ride ever. But what I think I finally settled on was, "How good it was to see my parents and how good my bed felt!"

We were supposed to leave London at 12:30pm. Our plane left about 45 min late as we were waiting for a family of 4 to arrive. They arrived but then a man de-boarded the plan because his sister had not shown up and he was worried about her. This meant that they had to unload his luggage and do a standard security check.

Funny thing was we were to arrive in Philiadelphia at 3:50pm. We were flying West and gaining time.

We had trouble landing in Philly due to a summer storm and so we circled for about an hour. What with our delay and the storm we actually deboarded the plane around 5:30pm. Then we had to go through customs and find our connecting flight which was scheduled to leave at 5:50pm. We made it in time as all the other planes that were supposed to take off during to storm had been grounded. We finally boarded at 6:30pm but must have sat on the teramack for 40 min as we waited our turn to take off.

We continued to fly West and the sun was begining to gain ground.

Our arrival in Portland was later than we had expected but it is finally night and the longest day ever was almost over. The sun had now set but we still had a 45 min drive to my parents house. I think I finally went to bed around 11:30pm Pacific Time - which was actually 7:30am England time!


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