Sunday, June 6, 2010

Saturday, June 5th, From Jason's Diary

Our plan for the day was to spend the day at Loch Lomond, a lake about 45 minute drive from the Round's home.

It was another beautiful day. Matt and Rachel fixed breakfast: eggs, bacon, crouissants. We packed the cars up and headed to the Loch. We walked a ways down the beach to find a perfect, secluded little spot, with some sand and a small island to swim and paddle our raft to.

We all had wetsuits because the water is cold. The kids swam and boated and the day was filled with adventure. I took a nap on a blanket...true sabbatical rest. We barbecued lunch and spent the whole day just having fun. Packed up around 4:30 and had pizza dinner when we got back to the Rounds.

8:15, Family worship. Then Jenny and I had a nice time talking with Matt and Rachel after the kids were in bed.

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