Wednesday, June 23, 2010


On Sunday, June 20th, Jenny and I celebrated in a "wee" little way our 18th wedding anniversary: with tea in the cozy, pretty backyard, English Garden, of our hosts in Farnborough.

With all the good, but real, distractions of kids, parenting, conflict resolution, eating, watching the World Cup, etc. I didn't make time to reflect on my beloved wife and what she means to me but here goes...

When I met her...

She told me her name was "just Jenny", and not Jennifer.

The first day we met Jenny, I, and a friend, Travis had hot chocolate on the overlook at Western Baptist College. It was near that spot, on February 15th, 1988 that I first kissed her. And, on May 23rd (my birthday), 1991 I asked her to marry me.

Jenny has been my best friend and the biggest influence in my life.

I don't deserve her, but my Heavenly Father, in great kindness, gave me a massive gift of a ministering angel.

Jenny is a peacemaker. In her quiet, noble, elegant, funny, beautiful way she listens, investigates, interprets, glues, heals.

A godly wife is a gift from the Lord!

It has been amazing to me to watch God's grace and glory unveiled in her life and soul. She has shown me the beauty of God.

I care about Jenny more than I care about my ministry. If I had to choose one or the other, I would chose Jenny.

I love calling her "sister" as a term of affection. I was happy, in reading through the Song of Solomon a few days ago, to hear the beloved referred to as "my beloved, my sister."

A poem I used to quote to Jenny, and sometimes still do:

Jenny kissed me when we met,
Rising from the chair she sat in,
Time, you thief, who loves to get sweets into your list, put that in
Say I'm weary, say I'm sad, say that health and wealth have missed me
Say I'm growing old but add, Jenny kissed me.

These words from the Song of Solomon are true: true of those who have tasted the joy and dignity and hope and breaking and rebuilding and healing of Christian love! True of my love for Jenny...

"Place me like a seal over your hert,
like a seal on your arm;
for love is as strong as death,
it's jealousy unyielding as the grace.
It burns like a mighty fire,
like a mighty flame.
Many waters cannot quench love;
rivers cannot wash it away.
If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love,
it would be utterly scorned." (8:6-7)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jason and Jenny, Jacob, Julliene, Juda, and Jackie,

    Tears begin to drop onto my chest and then to full flow as I read your stories. I am full of joy to hear of God's endless and abundant pouring out of blessings onto your trip. The places, the timing, the people, the revealing, the fun, the discovery of past and present... We miss you, but I wouldn't want you to miss this trip for any cost.

    Love, mary h
