Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Last Leg of our Journey begins...

Here is a map of Washington state. Camano Island is north of Seattle, a little more north of Everett. If you were to drive up I-5 you would take the Standwood/Camano Island Exit. You can scroll up on the map to see where we are going.

Today, Jason left with his dad for a father/son fishing trip. They will drive to Anacortes and take the Ferry to Victoria, BC. From there they will drive up to the Campbell River and fish for two days. We will meet them at Cluxewe Campground near Port McNeil.

We love riding the ferry. There are so many places to explore and so much beautiful seneray to enjoy.

I'm not sure if we will have internet access at our camp site...if not, we will catch up with you all next Friday! and then on to Indy!!!

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