Monday, July 12, 2010

Camano Island & RestHaven

We have arrived safe and sound on the next leg of our journey - Camano Island and time with Jason's family.

I'll post pictures as I can but need to purchase more rechargeable batteries since I seem to be wearing them out with all my picture taking!

I am thinking of the Jackson's as I believe they drove by on I-5 yesterday. We were only separated by 30 min! I am also thinking of the Baumgartens and their trip to Alaska. Again, we are so close since they flew into Seattle!

We unpacked and are staying at a retreat house called RestHaven. As I walk throught the house I spontaneously keep saying, "Thank you Jesus" for all the elbow room we have. Three bedrooms, queen bed, two rooms with two twins, family room, living room, and extra loft space. We each have a room to retreat to!

This afternoon I am taking the kids to play at their cousins farm. Jacob is helping his grandpa reroof the house Jason grew up in. I am going to the chiropracter this afternoon to get my monthly tune up. Jason is reading the paper, the kids are playing in the family room and I am now going to prepare lunch. There is something nice to doing normal everyday routine things.

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