Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lance the more tool

I'm reading a really good book my sister gave to me on this trip. It is called "Kitchen Table Counseling" by Muriel L. Cook and Shelly Cook Volkhardt.

I'm going to copy and paraphrase what they write. It is simply profound and I hope you all will begin to use this tool.

"A hurting or troubled person often has pockets of infection resulting from hurts that are deep down in their soul like a boil.

Even if we put the right medication on a boil, it will not heal because it must be lanced so the infection can be released. When God's truth is applied at the appropriate time, it becomes the truth that heals.

When we acknowledge our pain and what causes it, that is the equivalent to opening the boil and cleaning it out. The bottom line problem needs to be addressed before deep healing can occur."

The author continues, "Carolyn wasn't aware of what was going on inside her, because she had stuffed her pain down deep into her subconscious...'I didn't know what to do with my emotional garbage, so I found a place down in my spirit and put it there'."

The author says, "I've learned that a lack of forgiveness is the root of most problems. In almost every problem situation, after peeling off the layers of grief and distress, I find a wounded spirit or an unresolved resentment. Usually, it is the result of a hurt that has not been dealt with or a pain that hasn't been relinquished to God."
I have talked often with many of you on the topic of idolatry and how God's promises in the Bible are like the ointment that heals all wounds or the medicine that cures all diseases. I appreciated this perspective of lancing our sin. It hurts but the relief healing brings is priceless.

There are so many other great tools in this book...but I will save them for later!

For now, you can start by looking for your boils. You can't lance a boil if you don't know you have one.

Here is a promise of God, "I will never leave you or forsake you" (no matter how ugly your boil is!)

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