Saturday, May 22, 2010

My Prayer for us All

Father in Heaven,
Over eight years ago you called us from our home in Seattle to Indianapolis.
We left our beloved family and dear friends to follow your call.
And you have been with us every step of the way:
You have given us a new spiritual family to love,
And called us to a new city to serve.
Here we have laid our roots,
Learned to be weak and vulnerable,
And how to step boldly into our calling.

Now Father, walk closely with us on our Sabbatical,
Grant us tender and rich memories as a family,
Help Jenny and I cherish each moment with our children,
Help us to discover who they are before you,
So that we might call forth their core identity,
And learn to live with them as your beloved children.

Father, I also pray for our brothers and sisters at Redeemer, our friends and partners in the gospel.
May this be a season of rest for them.
May they discover that you are their True Shepherd.
And may they, in my absence, learn that you are the Builder
and Sustainer of the Church.
Pour out your Holy Spirit upon Mark Vanest and the other leaders,
That your redemption would flow through them, broken vessels that they are.

Father I pray for our city that we love.
We are not afraid of the suffering and gritteness and pain in Indianapolis.
But we long for your healing shalom and kingdom reign to come.
And we ask for you to clarify our urban calling - as a church and as individuals.
Break the ugly scars of racism and bring peace between people.
Cover the shame in our the hearts of the children in this city with your grace,
And unite your church as your body to love and serve our city.

Father, I also pray for our family out west.
May our time with them be sweet.
May you weave our lives together again, in history, memories, and in Christ.
Heal any wounds and pain that is there.
And bring your peace.

But Father, most of all, from the deepest part of my heart,
What I really long for and want, beyond all hopes and dreams,
Is that I might know you, your presence, your love, your care,
Just for me, poured out upon me in Christ.
That I might learn to rest in your love.
And that I might learn to lay all my burdens on you,
because you care for me.

All this I pray in Jesus name. Jesus Strong Name. Rock. Refuge. Bright and Morning Star, Prince of Peace, Bread of the World. Savior. Brother. King. Friend. To whom we owe all our allegiance, forever and ever. Amen.

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