Monday, May 31, 2010

Thursday, May 27th, From Jason's Diary

8:15am. We stumble down to our first full English Breakfast: Orange juice, coffee (hot chocolate for Julian), sausage, beans, hot tomatoes and bacon...

At 11:00am we walk to the Canterbury Cathedral. What is truly vast and striking from the outside is even more striking and vast from the inside...The vast physicality, grandeur, of the Cathedral communicates clearly what was vital, important and "weighty" when it was built in the middle ages: the wealth, glory and resources of the nation were poured into these sanctuaries to the glory and worship of God...

In the cathedral, at a candle area designated to remember Christian martyrs, we lit two candles to honor two individuals: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Dr. Martyn Luther King...

I purchased a Book of Common Prayer, written to Thomas Cranmer, which has been the guide to the liturgical life of the Anglican Church from the 16th century.

At 3:00pm we walked to the ruins of St. Augustine Abbey, established in the late 6th century by Augustine and which was for centuries a thriving monastic community which followed the rule of St. Benedict. At one time this Abbey was as large as the Canterbury Cathedral is now. But all that is left is a few broken downs walls, arches, foundation stones, the cloister area, etc....

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