Sunday, May 23, 2010

I made the shot!

Today at Redeemer, my spiritual family celebrated my birthday and "de-commissioned" me from my ministry.

Part of the birthday celebration was friends sharing kind words for me, Jenny and the kids. Another part was giving me a beautiful leather basketball and I made the first "inaugural" shot on the newly re-finished gym floor.

With quite a few people looking on, I stepped behind the three point line. One friend was encouraging me to play it safe and shoot a free throw; but I was set on shooting a three. I stepped behind the arc, pulled up my suit sleeves, and launched the basketball. To my utter amazement and surprise it was a swish...absolutely thrilling. One of the highlights of my life!

At the birthday celebration there was another suprise. Foster Pilcher had created these amazing posters. He had taken photographs of Jenny and I, and photoshoped them into Braveheart Posters with me as Braveheart and Jenny as the Queen...In anticipation of our travels in Scotland!

Another great moment was our "de-commissioning". This was a time when the elders communicated that they were carrying on the work of the church; that we could go away and rest and be refreshed without carrying any of the burdens of the ministry.

Tears filled my eyes as the elders prayed over our family and said: "Jason, we want to remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of our hands. For God did not give you, Jenny, Jacob, Julian, Judah, and Jackie a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline."

After the service a friend came up to me and shared a story. An African pastor, she said, was told that his greatest gift he had given was leaving. Why? Because the young leaders, the sons, had space to grow and mature into their full stature. Both of us believe and pray that this is happening, even now, at Redeemer.

So...I feel released. I have a great sense of being sent and shepherded and loved.

What a gift from my Heavenly Father and spiritual family. Thank you so much!

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