Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Plenty of Great Grandmas!!!

Here are some more pictures of both of my grandmas. It is really amazing sometimes when I think that my kids actually have 3 Great Grandmas!!!

This is my Grandma Wanda, she is also an artist. She paints with oil, has carved wood and now is working on carving a gourd and then painting it. She grew up in the dessert and that is where she gets her love of cacti. My Grandma also loves animals and as you can see she has a bird and a dog. I took pictures of my dad's photo album. If you look close you can also see pictures of my dad with his pets. It's funny but while we were at my grandma's house, Judah and Jackie both played with the dog while Jacob made friends with her bird. I know exactly from what tree the apple fell!

Here are a couple more pictures of my Grandma Nelson. She has also always loved gardening. Well, now that she is 98 1/2, my uncle built her a garden where she doesn't have to bend over. Jackie is standing by it in one of the pictures. Now that I think of it, she is also an artist and has taken up water color in the last couple of years!

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