Thursday, March 25, 2010


Preparing for our sabbatical has involved more than just planning for our trip. Jason and I are taking the time to evaluate were we are and address issues we need to deal with.

We had been thinking that counseling would give our marriage a boost and that being pro active about the health of marriage would bring us back from sabbatical ready for the next 7 years of ministry. Part of the question we have been asking ourselves is, "What do we need to do to be healthy and stay in the ministry long term?"

We decided to attend a week of discipleship called Sonship in October as a conclusion to our sabbatical. This is something we have been wanting to do for the last 8 years but have not had the time. Jason and I finally realized that I, Jenny, don't have the time while he is more flexible. So, we agreed that Jason would begin counseling and I would follow along next year.

Jason has attended 2 sessions and it has been a wonderful breakthrough for our family. He comes home from each session ready to share a new tool he has learned. A couple of days ago, I was having a melt down and my son Julian came and sat on my bed and said, "Now Mom, dad told me about a tool I can use when I don't understand what is wrong. So I just want to ask you what you are feeling and can you explain it to me." Can I just tell you how amazing this was!

I have really had fun giving Jason a list of questions to ask his counselor. He finally told me to get my own counselor...and since he was having so much fun, he signed me up with Marcia to receive life coaching. I am really looking forward to this as I have a clean slate when I return in the Fall. I want to think intentionally about the things I am involved in and patterns or cycles I get stuck in, not to mention areas that I need to address.

Another part of my preparation has been to think through my health. I have chronic pain all through my body. If the pain is what I call, half a hair or a whole hair over my tolerance level, it is really hard to function. My naturopath suggested that I do a 10 day juice detox. I didn't really believe her and I didn't think I could do it. Motivation is a powerful thing. I felt so bad I was willing to try anything. I can't tell you how much better I feel! I used to feel like an 80 year old woman but now I feel just like a 40 - which I am! I am now looking forward to traveling and sleeping in different beds. I wasn't sure I would be able to physically do this - and now I know I can and look forward to our walking trip in England.

Judah has also been preparing. He struggles with many annoying allergies. We have been seeing the naturopath for him as well and have had a lot of success with the allergy reversal treatments he has been receiving. He was just treated for mold, cigarette smoke and will receive a treatment for gasoline/diesel fumes.

I also purchased an essential oils kit that I will take on our trip. Judah responds well and these oils help his discomfort due to his allergies. I bought a travel fan that is battery operated so that we can diffuse oils any time - anywhere.

One of our favorite oils is Thieves. It smells like cinnamon and cloves. The name comes from the 1400 grave robbers. Everyone was dying from the plague. When the robbers were caught they were asked what they did that kept them from catching the plague. I use this to boost Judah's immune system as well as when diffused, it kills mold.

My other stand by oil is RC. I use this for general colds. It works like magic at preventing or minimizing a cold's duration. I will also take peppermint for headaches, tummy aches and general travel sickness. Judah likes Blue Eucalyptus for his lungs, Balsam Fir for his muscle cramps, Lavender to sooth his cough.

Now it is on to preparing our house and cleaning out corners...


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