Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Things To Do List...

- Attend Jacob's Math Award Presentation
- Judah and Julian's Sports Physical; get paper work, fill out paper work, turn in paper work, schedule appointment, remember appointment!
- Final PTA Mtg
- Go grocery shopping
- Tour Benjamin Harrison's House for Judah's US History.
- Jackie's All Year Honor Program
- Jacob's Sports Physical
- Jacob & Julian clean out lockers & turn in textbooks to media center
- Pay for lost library book
- Request Grant Check
- Attend Jacob's academic awards program.
- Take suits to dry cleaners, pick up suits
- Get house key made for Julian's coming of age celebration in Scotland.
- e-mail teachers and let them know Thursday is kids last day.
- Get soccer shoes for Julian and Judah.
- Headphones for each kid
- Order computer cord for netbook and hope it comes in on time.
- Count Julian's contact lenses and make sure he has enough for the trip
- Buy contact solution that is travel size.
- Return library books
- Notify bank that we will be traveling and not to close our account!
- Check on international cell phone plan.
- Purchase band aids for trip.
- copy important documents.
- Schedule oil change for car.
- Deposit checks at bank.
- Pick up Zoe's ashes.
- Go over final instructions with house sitter.
- Turn in PTA keys, take name off bank account, turn in key card.
- Purchase umbrellas.
- Get Jacob a year book.
- Get Jackie another pair of tennis shoes because the first one was defective.
- Purchase Judah's birthday gifts.
- Celebrate Judah's birthday.
- Purchase Julian's birthday gifts.
- Pack backpacks and do trial walk.
- Replace smoke detector battery.
- Change light bulbs.
- Mapquest airport, train, London's visitor center, B&B
- Pack essential oils
- Finish Judah's school and take tour of Capitol Building
- Pick up (small and able to fit in back pack) hostess gifts for friends we will be staying with.
- Purchase walking shoes and sandals for family.
- Go to Zoo on field trip with Jackie's class.
- Spend time with friends.
- Attend Julian's Awards Ceremony.
- Take pictures of Jason's JV Baseball game.
- Go to Jacob's last track meet.
- Take Julian to last Ortho apt.
- Go to Chiro apt.
- Try to Cook dinner each night.
- Have baseball team over for barbecue.
- Make sure Jackie packs 3 pairs of socks.
- Do a final budget report.
- Find out plane restrictions.
- Pack essential oils.
- Purchase meal worms for lizard.
- Change air filters
- Sit on porch and drink coffee
- Purchase rechargeable batteries for trip.
- Find camera!!
- Purchase electrical power adapter.
- Find out if Tube and Train are the same thing in England.
- Coordinate ride to airport and pick up on return trip.
- Remember 6 family birthdays in the May.
- Clean house.
- Purchase rabbit food and kitty litter for rabbit.
- Purchase small batteries.
- Pick up travel fan.

1 comment:

  1. Ok Jen, you need help! What night can I come over and help you clean? And then we'll drink coffee on the porch...two things checked off the list:)
