Saturday, April 24, 2010

Walking Shoes and Fishing Buddy

I visited Stouts shoe store in Indy this morning. Stouts claims to be the "oldest shoe store in the U.S.A." La Donna, a friend from Redeemer, was working there. I bought a pair of multi-purpose walking shoes/sandals...they had to be stylish enough for a fancy dinner in London and durable enough to make the grueling 14 mile coastline hike from St. Johns to St. Ives (western tip of England). It feels good to check this off my "to do" list.

Another highlight of the trip...last month in Miami I met a fellow PCA pastor, Shane Sunn, who, it turns out spends, his summer vacation fishing at the Cluxewe resort, Vancouver, BC. This July he is bringing a boat all the way from his home in Colorado. Shane, his wife Jean, and children will be at the Cluxewe resort the same time we will be!

-- Jason

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know this is how you guys got connected! Neat story of God's providence!
