Monday, April 26, 2010

Yes, Redeemer is having a Sabbatical Too!!!

Last night we had dinner with Stephanie and Foster Pilcher. We made our own pizzas and shared stories of trips we have taken. Each of our kids shared what they were looking forward to or dreading on our sabbatical...

Stephanie and Foster were both members of our sabbatical planning team. Foster will be giving our Redeemer Congregation updates during our sabbatical and reminding Redeemer of the sabbatical they (you) will take along side of us - the Dorsey Family.

Sabbatical to the church.
Redeemer's Sabbatical will explore three themes:
1. Identity,
2. Family Renewal, and
3. Urban calling.

1. Identity:
One of the ways we'll explore the theme Identity is by walking through the book of Nehemiah during the summer sermon series and looking at who God has called us to be? Who are we as God's Sons and Daughters? and what is our calling?

2. Family Renewal:
The Sabbatical committee sees part of this Sabbatical as Family Renewal for Redeemer. This is a time to get to know one another's stories as we practice seeing God at work in us and among us.

In community groups we'll be answering questions such as, "How have I seen God moving and working in Redeemer? in the city?"

This summer each of you will be given the opportunity to tell your story through some tangible creative expression whether it's a photo, painting, poem, or written story.

3. Urban Calling:
Our journey to explore our Urban calling will take place through trips and as individuals.

Several trips will take place this summer to Kenya, Huntsville, AL
and Encounter with Indy. Each one will look at what God is doing in these urban areas.

As individuals we'll have opportunity to reflect and have conversations with the question, "How does God want me to be, 'in the city and for the city'?"


We hope that this Sabbatical will lead us to a place of Worship. As we look at our identity as sons and daugthers and step into our callings may it bring us to Worship. As we hear one another's stories and see God at work in us and among us may it lead us to a deeper place of Worship and as God answers the question in our hearts about what it means to be in the city and for the city, may our obedience flow from our Worship.

More details from Foster to follow...

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