Monday, August 9, 2010


Errands...not much fun but necessary - actually, I had a lot of fun grocery shopping! I was back at my favorite grocery store, Aldi.

Since we've been back, this is what my week has looked like.

Tuesday: Grocery shop
Wednesday: Register Jacob at Tech, Julian and Judah at Attucks. Soccer and Xcountry practice.
Thursday: Julian at the orthodontist and Julian and Jackie at the dentist. Soccer and Xcountry practice.

Friday: School supply shopping. Soccer and Xcountry practice.

Saturday: Recuperate
Sunday: Church and haircuts for 4 kids
Monday: 1 dentist apt and 2 eye appointments. Soccer and Xcountry practice.

Tuesday: Do nothing - last day of summer vacation. Soccer and Xcountry practice.

Wednesday: First day of school

After looking at Jacob and Julian's class schedule we are all looking forward to a challenging school year.

Julian, 8th grade at Attuckes) will be taking Algebra II, high school Chemistry, Latin, Honors Social Studies, Honors Language Arts, PE and Advanced Band (Julian plays the saxophone). Julian will be playing soccer in the fall and basketball in the winter.

Jacob will be taking Chemistry, Scientific Research, AP US History, English, Latin, Pre Calculus and thank goodness...gym. Jacob will run Xcountry in the fall, backstage crew for the drama productions as his schedule allows and Track in the spring.

Judah will start as a 6th grader at Attucks. He is looking forward to having a locker and changing class. He will be taking art with his good friend Tyrecce and they will probably have several study sessions together as they both will be in the same Math Transitions II class. Judah will also be taking Etymology the first semester and Latin the 2nd semester. Judah will play soccer and then spend the rest of the year recuperating from the whirlwind of transition of being a middle schooler. He is really excited and feels well prepared. We will stop by the school one more time today so that he can do a practice run and find all of his classes.

Jackie is looking forward to finally having one of our favorite teachers, Mrs. Perry. She will also transition and move upstairs with all the big kids! Mrs. Perry is known for having perfect attendance and Jackie is going to try to get perfect attendance this year as well. Mrs. Perry has taught all of our kids and says she is really looking forward to having a Dorsey this year! After traveling in England and seeing all the children walk or ride their bikes to school, Jackie and I are going to try to ride our bikes to school but have decided it will all depend upon the weather!

I'm going to take a big breath once school starts and sit quietly on my front porch contemplating all the things I have done in this last year!

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