Wednesday, June 2, 2010

York to Newcastle upon Tyne

We left the York Priory B&B this morning and traveled to Newcastle. We arrived at the Royal Station Hotel which is exactly adjasent to the rail station. I might even say close enough to be on top of it!

We still can't keep chuckling about our grand entrance! This hotel had first been opened by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in 1858. The carpet felt like it was two inches thick. We walked in like Kings and Queens under the massive crystal chandeliers.

We took the elevator up 2 flights which opened onto the landing. (Each of the following sections were divided by glass fire doors.) Then down the hallway, down 10 steps, through another hallway, up 10 steps, up a rectagular stair case with a sunroof, along a side walkway (we basically have our own staircase) overlooking several landings till we arrived at the last hallway - which was ours, with only our two rooms! We felt like Cinderella as she made her way to the top of the attic.

The kids were so excited and kept telling Jason what a good job he had done in getting such a fine hotel for us with a pool! As we walked in, our awe of the grandeur began to turn to questioning it became evident that each level we reached needed some form of repair...Our final hallway has cracked plaster and peeling paint and our carpet is covered with a black rubber tarp. There is construction dust everywhere...BUT our rooms (which are across from each other) are great and only a minor bit of shaking/more like tapping as the trains go by. : ) What an adventure!

Yes, Jacob stubbed his toe climbing the tower and Jackie cut her heal swimming. I discovered the start of callouses on my shoulders from were my pack rubs. So far so good...

- Jenny

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