Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Saturday, May 29th, From Jason's Diary

I woke early.Pulled back curtains and watched sunrise...

We walked to Canterbury East Station. Jenny and I have discovered that Jacob has a great sense of direction and so we let him lead the way.

The ride to London (Victoria Station) took about 1 1/2 hours. Upon arriving we are overwhelmed by a sea of people...made our way to the blue tube line and, eventually to Kings Cross station. The excitement was hundreds of fans chanting on the Underground for their rugby team. It turns out that their was a championship, "Premiership" rugby match between Saracens vs. Leicester Tigers.

It was raining in Cambridge...had some kid + lack of food = meltdowns but everyone managed to recover gracefully...

We walked through Cambridge, past the colleges, through the narrow streets (the heart of Cambridge is full of little shops, everyone walking and riding their bikes, little car traffic. Near the home of our friends, Julian and Deborah Hardyman, we walk by an Aldi. Jenny is, of course, thrilled and gets her picture taken under (sadly, I must say, more thrilled than when she walked by Kings College :)...

It is wonderful to reconnect with Julian and Debbie and their kids. Robin was just a toddler, and Fiona was in her mother's tummy when we were students and friends at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Now they are attractive, bright, friendly young people. Robin is interested in history; Fiona in languages (Latin, French and German). Their youngest daughter, Kitty (10 years of age) and Jackie hit it off and ran off to play.

Visited...had dinner...went off to bed.

1 comment:

  1. You've got to love seeing & connecting with something familiar from home...even an Aldi :-)
